#12 - Finding and Hiring Caregivers


Mike George is the father of 25-year-old Ben. Through the years, Mike and his wife have applied their experiences with Ben and also their knowledge from the corporate world to create a system of finding, hiring, and keeping quality caregivers. Today, Mike shares the beginning stages of the process and a valuable resource to learn more.

Mentioned in This Episode

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  • Click here to get your copy of 19 Tips Caregiver Guide. In addition to the guide, Mike will share a variety of information expanding on the tips such as a list of interview questions and contract templates.

  • Mike and his wife, Jan, started Soaring Families as a resource for families to help us live a future bigger than our past.

  • Taking care of our loved ones can be intense. In today's episode, Mike stresses the importance of finding others to take on some of the caregiving roles. Read his blog post titled The Truth About 24-Hour Care for a deeper look at Ben's needs and the truth Mike has come to realize.

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