#40 - Cameras in Special Needs Classrooms

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We have seen too many stories on the news of cameras and other recording devices documenting poor treatment or abuse of special needs individuals. Would placement of recording devices in the spaces individuals with disabilities are receiving services help protect this vulnerable population? If, yes, then why isn't it being done and how can that change?

Dr. Dusty Columbia Embury of Eastern Kentucky University leads the discussion on the topic from her perspective as a classroom educator, researcher, and mom of a child with special needs. 

Mentioned in This Episode

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  • Dr. Dusty Columbia Embury and her colleague, Dr. Laura Clarke wrote an article on the pros/cons of placing cameras in classrooms of special needs students.

  • Security cameras are prevalent in public spaces and mostly used as a deterrent and for justice should something happen. However, the use of cameras in the classroom is a more complicated issue because of FERPA laws.

  • There currently is no federal policy around the use of cameras in the classroom which means school districts have to develop their own comprehensive policies.

  • Laws around covert audio recordings differ from state to state.

  • Texas is the only state cameras are required upon request in special education classrooms. Nevada is working on it. The law in Texas exists because of strong advocacy efforts by a mom whose son was being abused.

Related Episodes:

This show is part of a 12 episode safety series. Listen to other topics in the series via your favorite podcast app or directly on the LOMAH website