Posts in community
An Oscar Winning Script

"As I was hopping between Theatre #1 and #2, I couldn’t help think about the differing abilities of the children presenting in Theatre #1 to those performing in Theatre #2. One set of abilities has the potential to advance the world with technology, and given their Silicon Valley roots, they probably will. 

The other set of abilities has the power to bring a room full of people to their feet while filling hearts with warmth and filling eyes with tears."

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Hard to Hear Special Needs Advice No One is Telling You

This is tough to discuss without coming across cold and insensitive. Special needs parenting is no joke. There is exhaustion, heartbreak, and ample opportunities for worry. We will cry. We will need to be picked up.

With the above reality comes a slippery slope of spending too much time in these areas. I thank God for people who did not allow me to linger and risk the chance of a downward spiral...

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What about me?

Recently, you read stories of a Midwest Tribe of friends who were part of a winter survival strategy. They sounded amazing, right? 

When we moved to California I knew I would miss my friends, but assumed establishing a West Coast Tribe would happen easily. 

The assumption was finding folks to settle into doing life with its mess, mistakes, and bad choices would arrive with the furniture truck.


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Five Winter Survival Strategies

Stocking up on bread, wine, and toilet paper are legit snow needs in the Midwest. Dangerously low temperatures close schools because pipes freeze, buses can’t start, and kids stick tongues on flag poles. 

Remember the polar vortex of 2014?  Anyone? It was so cold people complained the air hurt their face. 

The journey with our special needs loved ones will occasionally take us through seasons of winter. Maybe “winter” is no sleep, advocacy, hospital stays, or all of the above.


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