#143 - Comprehensive Literacy in the IEP

literacy for all

If it’s not in the IEP then there is a good chance it won’t be an educational priority. Comprehensive literacy involves several areas of instruction. What should assessments and goals look like when using comprehensive literacy approaches toward literacy?

literacy for all
literacy for all

About the Guest

Stephanie Spadorcia is the chair of the Teaching and Learning department, which consists of Early Childhood, Elementary. Middle School, High School, and Special Education programs. Her research and teaching focuses on literacy instruction for students across the disability continuum; assessment of reading and writing; and using technology to support literacy instruction. She has published articles and book chapters, and presents nationally. She is a researcher with the Center for Literacy and Disability Studies at UNC at Chapel Hill, conducting research and development on literacy instruction for students with disabilities. She does work in schools in providing literacy instruction for all students, and the role of assessment in a literacy program. For information on her counseling and coaching services visit www.stephaniespadorciaconsulting.com

This is the 13th episode in a series focusing on the importance of comprehensive literacy approaches for students with significant disabilities.