Posts tagged IEP
#142 - Literacy for All Requires All of Us

Bringing all learners, regardless of disability, to a place of literacy is going to require specialized skill sets from the therapy team, leadership from the special education teacher, involvement of para professionals, and follow through at home. This episode offers insight from a public high school education team that have discovered how bring it all together for comprehensive literacy instruction.

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#141 - New Models of Team Collaboration and Literacy Initiatives

Changes require new ideas and ways of thinking. When considering literacy instruction and the teams responsible, where is the path of least resistance? This episode is a brainstorming session yielding ideas such as whole team vs segmented IEP writing, how to spearhead a comprehensive literacy movement in your school, and how Covid may have introduced models of instruction that bring more consistency to each child’s team.

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#138 - Literacy Instruction and Physical Disabilities: Casting a Vision for Doubters

Is there a part of you doubting literacy is truly possible for ALL learners regardless of degree of disability? Or, perhaps you are on the other side of the ring trying to convince others that lacking the ability to see, or move extremities, or speak does not exclude literacy possibilities. This conversation addresses common belief barriers and removes them with a new vision from an educator who has experienced the truth that literacy is truly possible for ALL.

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#137 - Literacy Instruction & Physical Disabilities: Choosing the Tools

Given the right accommodations everyone is capable of reading and writing, even those with the most significant physical disabilities. This is the first of 3 episodes tucked into our 15 episode literacy series that will focus specifically on learners with physical disabilities. Here, we learn of several tools that make literacy instruction accessible and how to choose the best accommodations.

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#131 - Literacy Instruction for Students With Disabilities: Series Introduction

The next 12 episodes will focus on what is being discovered regarding literacy instruction for ALL students with disabilities. This first part of this introductory episode explains how to get the most out of the upcoming episodes in this literacy series. The second half of the episode retells the history of Miranda’s literacy instruction and why it has become a priority despite her age.

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