#88-Using Assessments to Guide IEP Transition Planning Goals

IEP goals assessments special education

When we start considering the future for individuals with differing abilities, the assessment process is an important yet often omitted first step. Ongoing formal and informal assessments, specifically those identifying strengths and interests, should be the drivers of transition IEP goals. How can we encourage school districts to do assessments and what are the whens, hows, and whos of the process?

Dr. Mary E. Morningstar is faculty in Special Education at Portland State University and Co-Director of the Career and Community Studies program, a fully inclusive transition to postsecondary education for youth with intellectual disability.  She direct the Transition Coalition, a national center offering online, hybrid and in-person professional development and resources for secondary special educators and transition practitioners. Dr. Morningstar’s research encompasses three inter-related areas: (a) college and career readiness for youth with disabilities, (b) teacher education and professional development, and (c) secondary inclusive school reform.  She has recently authored a practitioner-friendly book, Your Complete Guide to Transition Planning and Services (2017), and has published over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles. Her digital and web-based professional development has extended for almost 15 years, through the Transition Coalition.

Dr. Morningstar teaches us what transition assessment is, when and how is it happening, and who should be performing the assessments

She gives us counsel on how to prompt the district to initiate a wide range of assessments and tells us exactly what to say in the email we send requesting assessments.

We will be learning 3 things to bring the IEP team that would be seen as supportive and helpful rather than demanding so we are operating as a team.

We are going to learn about observational and situational assessments and why we want to use those and NOT anecdotal observations.

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